Hi, I'm Susan!
For over fifteen years, I shared my personal life story on my now-defunct development blog, twenty(or)something, as I tried to understand myself, humanity, and my own connection to the Universe. Sometimes I still don't know if I can fully answer that age-old question, "who am I?" but almost two decades later, I have a pretty good idea:
I'm a coming-of-age author with a deep love of life and all the beautiful nuances of existence. I'm a creative who has spent her life searching the world for everything beautiful... and finding it. I'm someone who will always try to find meaning in questions that maybe have no answers, but that won't stop me from diving deeper into discovery. I'm a writer documenting the raw and the real and the wonderful.
I write stories of nostalgia that unlock a moment in time and unveil the beauty and magic of everyday life because that's what moves me. These characters who aren't great heroes but who still fight battles and discover themselves are what inspire me, reminding me that every life has purpose and every heartbeat is an opportunity to live an extraordinary life.
Want to know more? Check out my Little Life Moments.
About Brown Beagle Books
Brown Beagle Books was founded on the belief that we all have a story to tell. Begun in 2012 and currently serving as the publishing imprint for my own books, I help writers develop their craft and nurture their creativity. My goal is to help you share your voice and story with the world. Editorial Development and Creative Coaching services are currently available. For more, visit Brown Beagle Books.

Visit Montours City!
Ten years after losing my maternal grandmother to Alzheimer's and in the midst of a battle with Lyme disease, I published my first book. Gold in the Days of Summer is dedicated to her, a woman whose spirit is still a strong and gentle presence in my life today.
That first book welcomed me to a town that has since spanned the decades with characters who remind us how connected we all are. It's a world that has woven its way through all of my books, and now it's available to you! Meet the residents of Montours City and take a tour through town!

LymeBrave Foundation
LymeBrave Foundation, Inc is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization launched in 2017 during my own years-long battle with Lyme Disease. We believe that sharing our stories and our struggles can provide comfort and inspiration when facing an illness that makes it difficult to find either.
LymeBrave Foundation was created with hope and healing in mind. While not currently active, you'll continue to find educational information about Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases that center on the patient experience, support programs to help guide Lyme patients and their caregivers through diagnosis and treatment, and awareness campaigns that bring to light the emotional impact of living with this chronic illness. We're here to help you stay strong. We'll remind you to always be brave.
Learn about my Lyme disease story, Being LymeBrave, or visit the website!
Being LymeBrave | LymeBrave Foundation

Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections
My life journey has taken me to some unexpected but beautiful places! I've extended my passion for growth and healing into spiritual practice as an intuitive tarot reader, holistic spiritual coach, and energy practitioner specializing in Ascension Relationships and Spiritual Connections.
Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections is a sacred space for your soul growth journey journey where we focus on nurturing your personal empowerment and encouraging connection to your creative magic.
Learn more at Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections.

In Summer 2020, my beloved dog Riley, for whom Brown Beagle Books was named, passed away.
Brown Beagle Books continues in his honor.