We all have a story to tell...
It’s this belief that stands at the heart of Brown Beagle Books and drives our desire to guide writers who are passionate about these stories through the development, editing, and self-publishing processes.
We know that the writing life is so much more than putting pen to paper, just like we know that having someone who understands the pleasure and the pain of the craft is invaluable. From beginning a new project to getting the book ready for print to generating ideas for marketing materials, we’ll be on hand to encourage you and help you create a book you believe in.
find your
Sometimes it whispers. Sometimes it shouts. When we're in tune with ourselves and our words, it sings. Your voice is a natural part of storytelling that brings your inner self to the page in a way that's uniquely your own. Let's discover your voice together.
let your
They have thoughts. They have emotions. They have their own motivations. Characters love to talk, and it's our job as storytellers to listen and guide them. Together, we'll get to know your characters and create depth and dimension that breathe your story to life.
say it like you
Are you writing for the paycheck? Are you writing for the passion? Do you have stories that feel like they'll burst forth from the very depths of you at a moment's notice? Let's bring those feelings to the surface and add meaning to the page. The story that takes hold of you isn't just the story you want to write, it's the one you need to write.
Get the Video Course!

Confused about publishing? Not sure how to get started? If you're wondering whether traditional publishing or independent publishing is right for you, we'll help you gain a better understanding of both publishing paths to help you figure out which one is best suited for you and your author goals in the Your Path to Publishing Success e-Course!
This course includes a one-hour video/audio presentation to help you learn more about traditional and independent publishing, an Author Guide for you to follow along with the material presented, and additional resources known as Author Aids to help you with your publishing journey.
Learn more about this course or purchase for instant access in our bookstore!