Creative Coaching • Editorial Development • Publishing Consultation

A manuscript is never finished. There's always one last sentence to write, one final word to replace, one extra plot twist to add. One more proofread, you think. Then you'll be ready to publish and share your work with the world.
We get it. You've lived in this world you've created for weeks, months, years, lovingly crafting each sentence to portray your vision and guiding your characters along their journey. Realizing it's the end is tough...But do you want to know a secret?
It's only just the beginning.
You know you want to share your story with the world, but what do you do once every "i" has been dotted and "t" has been crossed? Do you query traditional publishing houses or try your hand at self-publishing? What does it mean to be an indie author, anyway? With our publishing consultation packages, we'll provide you with in-depth knowledge of the publishing process so that you can make an informed decision that will guide your writing career. Our single sessions are concentrated on certain aspects of the publishing industry and personalized to meet your specific goals with a detailed plan to help get you where you want to be.
Your book is ready.
Let's help you share it.
Self-Publishing Basics
Confused about publishing? Not sure how to get started? From timelines to production resources to author platforms, we'll help you nagivate the publishing landscape with a plan best suited for you and your author goals.
Get the Video Course!
If you're wondering whether traditional publishing or independent publishing is right for you, we'll help you gain a better understanding of both publishing paths to help you figure out which one is best suited for you and your author goals in the Your Path to Publishing Success e-Course!
This course includes a one-hour video/audio presentation to help you learn more about traditional and independent publishing, an Author Guide for you to follow along with the material presented, and additional resources known as Author Aids to help you with your publishing journey.
Learn more about this course or purchase for instant access in our bookstore!