Jan 28
Introducing The Mystic & The Muse!
Where soul meets story... For years, I’ve shared my spiritual insights and reflections through Susan Dawn Spiritual Connections , while...

Jan 14
Lighting Candles in the Dark...
While I have the chance to say it... Thank you. Thank you to every single one of you. Because of you, my books have had a second and...

Dec 31, 2024
New Year Reflections
Ohhhh, I do love my year-end reflections! Today was an interesting start to the day. I woke up to emails from a national bank (who I do...

Aug 10, 2024
When Inspiration Strikes... You Listen
Early one morning, in March 2017, I woke up with two lines in my head: "My name is Lilac Sophia Carpenter, and I'm sixteen years old. I'm...

Jan 23, 2024
If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking...
Emily Dickinson's poetry has always had a huge impact on me, my life, and even my writing. In high school, her words gave me permission...

Oct 15, 2023
Europe Day Three: Bath, Jane Austen, & Poetry in Motion
Wednesday, September 27 I'm someone who has always had a strong intuition, someone who has learned, over the years, to appreciate and...

Oct 14, 2023
Europe Day Two: London to Bath
Tuesday, September 26 I landed in London! It feels like a dream, feels like yesterday. The last time I was here, it was on the heels of a...

Oct 14, 2023
Europe Day One: PHL to LDN
Monday, September 25 Today starts a great adventure... I'm nervous. I'm excited. Thankfully, the excitement is overriding the...

Oct 14, 2023
Susan's Spiritual Pilgrimage - A European Adventure (Preview)
This is the start of not only a new chapter of my life, but a new story that's being written with every moment, every breath, every...

Sep 23, 2023
4-0, Let's Go!
(Click the slideshow for full-size pics) It's raining outside--the sky is grey and cloud-covered and it's pretty dismal out--but there is...