Writing your way to you...
Helping emerging writers share their literary vision and develop their writing talents has always been a personal dream of mine. There’s nothing more inspiring or empowering than finding someone who shares a passion for the story – your story – while supporting and celebrating your progress every step of the way.
Writing is a personal adventure of self-discovery, creativity, and overcoming self-limiting beliefs. Too often, we get caught in a cycle of insecurity, competition, and fear in which we compare ourselves to others, lack the belief that we’re deserving of our successes, and subconsciously sabotage our own dreams.
You write because the words are a part of you – they’re the lens through which you observe the world, the outlet in which you express your truest, most honest self.
That’s why Brown Beagle Books was founded on the belief that we all have a story to tell, and my goal is to help you nurture your voice so that you can share your story with the world in the best way you know how.
Let’s dream big.
Let’s dream bigger.
Together, let’s fuel your creative fire and make your vision come alive in a way that best suits you and your life. Let’s uncover your voice – the one that’s yours and yours alone – and nurture your talent. Let’s get rid of those pesky nuggets of self-doubt that keep you from being your best self and guide you onto a path of personal fulfillment complete with the tools, knowledge, and motivation that will help to inspire your own writing career.

Creative Coaching
Do you have a story in your heart that won’t be silenced? One that you need to share, but you constantly feel blocked and uninspired? Are you working a full-time job, running a household, or otherwise having difficulty finding the time, energy, or motivation to pursue your creative passions? Do you have a manuscript tucked away in that proverbial drawer and fear that no one will want to read your words, much less appreciate them?
Together, we can identify your artistic purpose and set strategic plans of action, understand your fears and push past those mental blocks, and nourish your creative spirit so your dreams can evolve, flourish, and manifest themselves.
Learn more here: Brown Beagle Books

Editorial Development
Your manuscript is complete, filled with descriptive prose, well-rounded characters, and bold cliffhangers that lead to scenes rife with conflict. You’re ready to take the plunge and publish your book.
But is your book ready?
Let's take an objective look at your work and make your story shine.
Learn more here: Brown Beagle Books

Publishing Consultation
You’ve pushed through your creative blocks and finished your book. Your manuscript has been professionally edited and problem areas have been addressed. You’re ready to take that next step and either query agents or self-publish, but you find yourself stuck.
What’s the next step?
We'll work together to get you back on track with creative solutions and in-depth knowledge and insight that best suit your writing aspirations and career.
Learn more here: Brown Beagle Books
We all have a story to tell...
It’s this belief that stands at the heart of Brown Beagle Books and drives our desire to guide writers who are passionate about these stories through the development, editing, and self-publishing processes.
We know that the writing life is so much more than putting pen to paper, just like we know that having someone who understands the pleasure and the pain of the craft is invaluable. From beginning a new project to getting the book ready for print to generating ideas for marketing materials, we’ll be on hand to encourage you and help you create a book you believe in.
Ready to tell your story?