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The Developer

Your draft is finally done, but instead of breathing a sigh of relief, you're paralyzed with uncertainty over what comes next. We get it. It's why the Developer sessions are designed with you in mind! Choose from building connections, getting started on your author platform, or finding your next source of inspiration. Step by step, we'll keep you moving towards that dream.

Choose from one of the listed session topics or create your own!

Duration: 1 hour | Cost: $75

Building Connections
They say it's not what you know, but who you know that matters. In reality, it's both. Even the most general knowledge of the business can do wonders in leading you to the people that will have the greatest impact on your career: your readers. In this session, we'll talk about how key roles in the publishing industry can help shape your book and your career, why networking is less about professional connections and more about building sustainable relationships, and how you already have everything you need to show the world what you've got.

Social Media

Social media has transformed the world, allowing us to reach out to each other and form more intimate relationships than ever before. For the first time in history, authors can communicate directly with their readers all at once across the continents. In this session, we'll talk about the "new" author platform and the many ways it can be used to share your stories. We'll discuss the best social media outlets, learn how to build an audience, and, most importantly, connect to your readers. No longer is authorship an impersonal, unattainable feat meant for someone else. You wrote the book. Now it's time to share your story.

Managing Fears

Let's face it. Life is a roller coaster. One minute, you're proud to have accomplished such a feat (A book! Your words on the page!), the next minute, you're questioning everything, comparing yourself to everyone, and well on your way to giving it all up... Fear. It's the reason those manuscripts sit locked away in a drawer and the driving force behind every self-doubt. No one will read your words. The book will never sell. Who are you kidding? You're not a real writer, anyway. These thoughts perpetuate a cycle of uncertainty that can drown us if we let it. That's why we're taking a step back to uncover those fears and discover why they aren't necessary at all. In this session, we'll discuss Imposter Syndrome, learn the many forms of self-sabotage, and find ways to manage your fear so that you're back on the road to making your dream become your reality.

Overcoming Obstacles

You've poured your very heart and soul into your book, spent months or years toiling over the plot and analyzing every comma, word, and sentence, and used up the last of your creativity writing your author bio. Despite this accomplishment, you're a little reluctant to get back to the blank page: now that the last word of one book has been written, you wonder how you can do it all over again. In week four, we'll take a look at what you're doing now and discover ways to live more creatively. We'll find new sources of inspiration that will keep the words flowing and get you geared up for your next story.

Create Your Own

Create your own session to help share your art!

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