Announcing LymeBrave Foundation, Inc!
This was the hardest secret I've ever kept--and I'm pretty sure I still managed to fail by spilling the beans to at least a handful of people in all my excitement and anticipation. But the wait is finally over and I can announce it to the world: LymeBrave Foundation, Inc is here!
After five years of dreaming and nearly a year in the making, I'm so proud to share with everyone my new non-profit aimed at providing support programs and educational resources for Lyme disease patients and caregivers. Here's what we have in store:
Our Mission
LymeBrave Foundation, Inc. is a national non-profit organization providing Lyme disease education and awareness while enriching patient and caregivers' lives through support programs and adult wellness grants.
About LymeBrave Foundation
We believe that sharing our stories and our struggles can provide comfort and inspiration when facing an illness that makes it difficult to find either. That's why LymeBrave Foundation was created with hope and healing in mind.
Here you'll find educational information about Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses that center on the patient and caregiver experience, support programs to help guide Lyme patients and their caregivers through the emotional journey of diagnosis and treatment, and awareness campaigns that bring to light the emotional impact of living with this chronic illness.
From the Beginning
Diagnosed with Lyme disease and co-infections in 2012 after fifteen years of misdiagnosis, I envisioned a safe space in which those living with this disease could unpack the heavy emotions that often accompany a chronic illness. I dreamed of a central support center where patients could learn how to heal from the loneliness and isolation of Lyme disease, a place where caregivers could find support tools to help them care for their loved ones without sacrificing themselves.
A place where no one would be alone. That place is LymeBrave.
With the formation of LymeBrave Foundation, the LymeBrave team and I are thrilled to see this dream come to fruition.
Donate today to help us help the Lyme community:
Over the next few weeks, we'll share more about our plans including how you can get involved! In the meantime, find us on Facebook at or join the linked Being LymeBrave Facebook group where patients and caregivers can connect with others on the healing journey. And be sure to sign up for the mailing list on our website! Launching Monday, September 18, the LymeBrave Foundation website will feature:
Information about Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses
Outside resources to help you on your healing journey
Patient and caregiver portals offering toolkits, original content, and resources for the Lyme journey
Awareness campaigns, events, and ways you can help LymeBrave Foundation help the Lyme community
The Being LymeBrave blog featuring essays and guest posts from Lyme survivors that bring to light the reality of living with this disease
And more!
But we can't do this alone. Your donations will help us create support programs, fund wellness grants for adult Lyme disease patients, and educate and bring awareness to communities across the United States. Donate here to support our cause: or buy the book The Last Letter to learn more about Lyme disease! A portion of all proceeds will now go to support LymeBrave Foundation!
We'll be here to help you stay strong. We'll remind you to always be brave.
Come here for the stories or writing and publishing news? Don't worry! We'll get back to those creative posts soon. In the meantime, thanks for learning a little about Lyme disease and supporting a cause that's dear to my heart.